
Learn How To Use Mindfulness To Accept The Present Moment As Perfectly Imperfect

There is nobody perfect in the world. Do you recall how many times you have heard that phrase? When you are a perfectionist, it can help you feel better and be a pain. It does not matter what you perform; people will always notice your mistakes. Some people say nice things about your work. It is easy to succeed professionally and personally according to how well you deal with failure. Also, it lets you be cool when anything goes wrong. Motivating for perfection can cause stress, so you can do things you enjoy to overcome the flaws.

Overcoming self-doubt and perfectionism is not simple because many have been trying to be perfect their entire lives. Imperfection is not an obstacle to achieving your goal. If anyone lets go of the need for flawlessness, it causes stress and anxiety. #BecomingFlawesome book teaches tips on overcoming perfectionism and accepting flaws. If you need more information about this book, visit this site https://www.mindvalley.com/book/flawesome.

Overcome perfectionism

In her book Becoming Flawesome, Kristina Mand-Lakhiani offers different approaches to overcoming imperfection. There are no reasons to eliminate perfectionism. The individual should see what works for them rather than trying to change what’s not working. It takes a lot of research to understand your perfectionism completely. Staying for perfection in everything you do should not be stressful and unfulfilling.

Becoming Flawesome will assist readers in determining where their perfectionism comes from and understanding their impacts on their lives. In addition, the author provides effective strategies in this book, which have been scientifically proven. It aids the individual in overcoming their stress and anxiety regarding perfectionism and making errors. This book also provides tips for dealing smoothly with other perfectionists. The readers will be aware of how to avoid any negative outcomes.


Becoming Flawesome by Kristina Mand-Lakhiani shows a reader how letting go of worries about themselves leads to joy and peace of mind. Instead of perfection, individuals should embrace imperfections, for they make us who we are. With chapters on relationships, healing, self-compassion, true nature, acceptance, empathy, and others, this book teaches you how to love yourself – flaws and all.

Bottom line 

Becoming Flawesome is the best book for people who need tips to overcome imperfections. It allows readers to find a way to accept the present moment in its flawless. After implementing these strategies in life, the reader can reduce self-criticism.


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